Glass Competence Center - TU Darmstadt

Glass Competence Center – TU Darmstadt


Glass Competence Center – TU Darmstadt

The Institute of Structural Mechanics and Design (ISM+D) and the Material Testing Institute (MPA) of the TU Darmstadt both have strong competencies in the field of glass construction. A team of 15 employees works at both institutions within the framework of research projects, applied industrial research, approval and approval processes as well as production controls with the material glass and its applications in construction and architecture, automotive construction and in the consumer goods industry. Theory and experiment are synergistically linked. The extensive experimental equipment enables the processing of almost all questions from the different fields of competence around glass as a construction material and in cooperation with neighboring areas, such as polymer materials.

  • Location –
    Franziska-Braun-Straße 3 64287 Darmstadt
  • Building Owner –
    TU Darmstadt
  • Installation Date –
  • Product:
    eyrise® s350 Instant Solar Shading Glass
  • Quantity:
  • Geometry:
    rectangular panels
  • Type:
    Triple glazing
  • Color:
    Neutral grey mixture E