Forum Wissen Göttingen

Forum Wissen Göttingen


Forum Wissen Göttingen

For the Forum Wissen museum, the architects and the planning team decided against conventional sun protection for reasons of monument concervation. Blinds or external shading would not offer a suitable solution, especially for a historic building. In order to meet the diverse and complex requirements of a museum window, the use of switchable glazing was planned. With the eyrise® glass installed in the Knowledge Forum, 33% of the incoming daylight enters the room in the lowest shading state and only 3% in the highest shading state. The shading status of the glass reacts in less than a second and can therefore react flexibly to the outside conditions. This makes it easier to comply with conservation requirements for the climate. In the balancing act between reducing the use of artificial light and the necessary sun protection to preserve the valuable, sensitive documents and materials, it is in particular the view from the museum that distinguishes the solution from conventional sun protection.

  • Location –
    Berliner Str 28, 37073 Göttingen, Germany
  • Building Owner –
    Georg-August-Universität Göttingen
  • Architect –
    gildehaus . partner architekten BDA
  • Installation Date –
    May 2022
  • Product:
    eyrise® s350 Instant Solar Shading Glass
  • Surface:
    173 m²
  • Quantity:
  • Geometry:
    rectangular + faceted shapes
  • Type:
    Double Glazing
  • Color:
    Neutral grey mixture E
  • Framing System:
    wooden frames
  • Other Info:
    Muntins integrated inside the DGU to maintain the historical look.