R&D Center for Electronics

R&D Center for Electronics


R&D Center for Electronics

It is an important signal for the Merck Darmstadt location: the new research center for electronics applications. This impressive building houses high-skilled research teams for innovations for the display and semiconductor technologies. In many of the laboratories and clean rooms, research has to be performend under special artificial light conditions, therefore the need to keep daylight in the meeting rooms was very high. At the same time, eyrise® reduces the incoming sunlight and heat, without losing the outside view. To boost creativity and collaboration, open spaces in glass were created, which can be switched to privacy mode when confidential research is been performed.

  • Location –
    Frankfurter Strasse 250, Darmstadt, Germany
  • Building Owner –
    Merck KGaA
  • Architect –
    Carpus + Partner, Aachen, Germany
  • Facade Contractor –
    Breitenbach Metallbau GmbH, Miltenberg, Germany
  • Installation Date –
  • Product:
    eyrise® s350 Instant Solar Shading Glass
  • Surface:
    261 m²
  • Quantity:
  • Geometry:
  • Type:
    Double Glazing
  • Color:
    Neutral Grey Mixture C
  • Framing System:
    Curtain wall system Schücco FWS 60