Smarter Glass – How this smart glass is changing construction

Smarter Glass - How this smart glass is changing construction

‘Smart glass’ has been around for years. This smart glass technology goes beyond that. Welcome to the era of Smarter Glass

Smart glass, also known as switchable glass, is revolutionizing the construction industry with its groundbreaking applications. Smart glass, by definition, is glass that uses electricity to change between transparent and darkened states. Smart glass has become an innovative way to improve building insulation, privacy, and energy efficiency. With its advanced technology, Smart Glass offers a wide range of benefits that can greatly enhance the overall quality of construction projects. From providing increased safety and security to reducing air conditioning costs, Smart Glass is proving to be an invaluable tool for builders and architects alike. As technology continues to develop and more companies begin offering this cutting-edge product, there’s no doubt that switchable glass will continue to transform the construction industry for years to come.

There are several different types of smart glass, including electrochromic, thermochromic and different types of smart film. For this article, we will be focusing on eyrise liquid crystal smart glass, since the technology is a bit smarter than many others on the market, specifically because it uses Liquid Crystal technology rather than electrochromic tech.

The first liquid crystals were discovered in the late 19th century by the Austrian botanist, Friedrich Reinitzer, and the German physicist, Otto Lehmann, in 1888. They observed that a material derived from cholesterol, called cholesteryl benzoate, had two distinct melting points. At temperatures between these two points, the material exhibited an intermediate liquid-crystalline phase, which they named “mesophase”. This discovery laid the foundation for the development of liquid crystal technology, which is now used in a wide range of applications, from electronic displays to temperature sensors. More can be discovered about the history of liquid crystals here.

eyrise is a revolutionary glass technology that has been gaining traction in the sustainability sector due to the many benefits it can bring to any construction project. eyrise is a type of glass that can be used to improve energy efficiency by controlling the amount of light and heat that enters a space. Smart glass works by using liquid crystals to control the amount of sunlight passing through the glass. Depending on the application, the solar transmission can be adjusted from a completely clear to a darkened state without any change in the color of natural light. Smart glass is mainly used for commercial real estate and its sustainable features make it an attractive choice for environmental-conscious companies. Smart glass can do more than only reducing energy costs, but promote sustainability in the broader sense: to contribute on the financial and human aspects as well. It can be used in an overall package for building owners interested in gaining green certifications like LEED offered by USGBC, WELL, BREEAM or other green building organizations.

Benefits of switchable Smarter Glass in Construction

Renowned architect, Norman Foster of Foster + Partners once said “The buildings of the future will not be cold, lifeless, and dark steel and glass boxes. Rather, they will be structures that breathe, generate their own power, and are alive with nature. The integration of green technology into the built environment is not only essential for the health of the planet, but it also creates healthier, more productive and inspiring spaces for people to live and work in.”

The use of smarter glass in construction is providing many benefits as the world starts looking for better solutions to meet sustainability requirements. Firstly, smarter glass is incredibly energy efficient. It helps to keep the temperature inside buildings more constant by providing a layer of insulation and reducing the amount of heat that enters or escapes. Secondly, smarter glass can help to improve the aesthetics of any building, giving it a modern, sleek look. Furthermore, it offers greater flexibility in design elements allowing architects to create more interesting structures. One of the reasons eyrise is smarter glass than other options is because it is the only technology that can be cut into custom, bespoke shapes. With the ability to switch from dark to light or opaque to transparent (See eyrise i350 privacy glass for more) or tinted windows with the flick of a switch, these buildings can become active works of art that respond to their environment and even change with the seasons. Additionally, smarter glass can be used for privacy or security purposes when needed. Furthermore, many governments are now offering huge tax incentives and grants for installing Greentech like eyrise glass.

Examples of Smart Glass Technology in Construction Projects

Smart glass is an innovative technology that has been revolutionizing the construction industry for years. Recently, however, some highly visible projects have been using it in stunning and unique ways. It has been utilized in a variety of projects, providing an energy-efficient and aesthetically pleasing finish. One example of this is 195 Piccadilly, the BAFTA headquarters in London; here, a self-tinting glazing system was used to allow natural light to flood into the building while still creating a comfortable atmosphere. The Niemeyer Sphere in Germany also utilized smart glass to create a stunning futuristic design, using triangle sections to create the first-of-its-kind dynamic, smart-glass, geodesic dome. In Norway, ORKLA City used smart glass to ensure temperature control and reduce glare, while Berlin’s AVUS Tribüne incorporated it into their façade to maintain a pleasant interior environment throughout the year. Smart glass has become an invaluable asset in construction projects as it allows designers to bring their vision to life while also ensuring environmental sustainability and cost efficiency.

Implementing Smart Glass Windows in Building Construction Projects

Smart Glass in construction projects can offer many benefits. One of the biggest advantages is that it has a lower carbon footprint than electronic blinds, making it an environmentally friendly choice. This is because the materials needed to manufacture and maintain blinds have a far bigger carbon footprint than eyrise s350 smart glass. Additionally, maintenance costs for Smart Glass are much less than with blinds in the long run, as it does not require regular repairs and replacements. Moreover, eyrise smart glass can be part of a green technology package that allows building owners to receive tax breaks through green certification. The installation process for Smart Glass does have some potential issues that must be taken into consideration such as compatibility with existing systems, but if done correctly, this type of glass offers numerous benefits over traditional window treatments.

The Future of Smart Glass Windows in Construction

The future of smart glass windows in construction is bright. Eyrise, a leading innovator in the industry, specializes in advanced dynamic glass that continually adjusts its tint and opacity to maintain desired levels of light and temperature. This technology not only improves the user experience for customers, but also has a positive environmental impact as it reduces energy costs and earns green certification for buildings that use it. Furthermore, dynamic glass can help reduce glare from the sun during peak hours and provide a comfortable living or working environment without having to sacrifice natural light. Smart glass is quickly becoming an essential component of construction projects around the world, and its potential will only continue to grow with new advances in technology.